following are excerpts, without footnotes, of an article published in the
Judges’ Newsletter on International Child Protection Vol. XX, Summer – Autumn
The full
article is available on the website of the Hague Conference on Private
International Law.
of Jurisdiction under the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil
Aspects of International Child Abduction: Belgium
By Myriam
DE HEMPTINNE, Judge at the Brussels Court of Appeal, Brussels
Belgium implemented the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the civil aspects of international
child abduction (hereinafter the 1980 Child Abduction Convention),
it added a chapter
to the Act of Assent of 10 August 1998 added to the Judicial Code (Belgian Code of Civil Procedure)
entitled “Applications relating to the protection of cross-border rights of custody and of
access” containing new Articles 1322 bis
to octies. In that chapter, the legislature organised an emergency procedure “as in
summary proceedings” to deal with return applications pursuant to a wrongful removal or
retention. This emergency procedure also dealt with applications
relating to the
organisation of rights of access based on the 1980 Child Abduction Convention,
together with applications based on the European Convention of 20 May 1980 on the
recognition and enforcement of decisions concerning custody of
children and on restoration of custody of children (hereinafter the
Luxembourg Convention). That procedure was assigned to the purview of the President of the Court at first instance at the location of the child’s
provisions of that chapter were revised and supplemented by the Belgian
legislature when the EU Regulation of 27 November 2003 concerning jurisdiction
and the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matrimonial matters and
matters of parental responsibility (“Regulation Brussels IIa”) was implemented,
with the passing of the Act of 10 May 2007.
At the
time, the Minister of Justice established a working group, including judges in
particular, in the capacity of experts in the field. After
the bill was drafted by that working group, the legislature, faced with increasing
complexity in this area of law, chose specialisation of judges and a concentration
of jurisdiction, in the image of other EU Member States which had done so
previously (including France and Germany, mentioned in the preparatory documents).
The motives before the vote on that act are clear from the Justice Commission
report, which explains that “this choice is due to the need to reinforce our
courts’ effectiveness in an area growing more complex by the day. Knowledge of the instruments and international case-law, speed of
intervention, reinforcement of direct cooperation among the judges
in the various Member States, leading to reinforced
confidence in the judicial systems, demanded that specialisation of
the courts” (Bill, Chamber Parliamentary Documents, session 2006-2007,
51-3002/001, p. 44 [French version]).
The Act of
10 May 2007 accordingly concentrated jurisdiction with the Courts at first instance established at the locations of Courts of Appeal (Brussels,
Mons, Liege, Antwerp and
Gent) and,
in those cases where the proceedings are to be held in the German language, the Court at first instance of Eupen. These cases, previously
assigned to the 27 Presidents of different
courts (matching the 27 judicial circuits of the country), are now, starting at the first instance, assigned solely to 6 lower-court
Presidents, it being understood that on appeal, the proceedings are handled by
one of the country’s five Courts of
The new Article 1322 bis of
the Judicial Code lists the proceedings for which this concentration of jurisdiction is now
to apply:
applications based on the Luxembourg Convention for the recognition and enforcement of decisions concerning
custody and restoration of the custody of children;
applications based on the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980, for immediate
return of the child, for observance of the custody rights or rights of access existing
in another State or for the organisation of a right of access;
applications for the child’s return or custody pursuant to a decision to deny
return delivered in another EU Member State under Article 11 of Regulation
Brussels IIa;
applications on the basis of Article 48 of Regulation Brussels IIa, for
determination of the practical terms of exercise of a right of access; and
applications on the basis of Article 28 of Regulation Brussels IIa for
recognition or enforcement of decisions relating to rights of access or return
of the child.
Only the last of those proceedings may be brought unilaterally (Article
1322 bis § 2), the others requiring
initiation by means of an application inter partes (Article 1322
bis § 1).
As regards territorial jurisdiction, the passing of the new Act
was an opportunity to specify, by the
addition of the new Articles 633 sexies and septies to the Judicial Code, that the case
is to be brought before the President of
the Court at first instance, established at the location of the
Court of Appeal within the circuit of which, as the case may be:
the child is present (Article 633 sexies):
this situation relates to return proceedings, when Belgium is the requested
the child has its habitual residence at
the time of filing or sending of the application (Article 633 sexies): this situation concerns only
proceedings relating to issues of custody or the recognition and enforcement of
foreign decisions, or failure to abide by rights of access, since a wrongful removal or retention may not result in a transfer
of the child’s habitual residence;
the child had its habitual residence immediately before the wrongful removal or
retention: this situation concerns the procedure established by Regulation
Brussels IIa in the State of origin after a decision denying return delivered
in the requested State (Articles 633 septies
and 1322 decies § 1); or
the defendant has his or her domicile or habitual residence, if the child is
not present in Belgium: this solution provides for proceedings for recognition
and enforcement of a decision delivered in another Member State (Article 633 septies).
This concentration of jurisdiction, with a view to the specialisation
of judges, should enable Belgium to meet its international obligations in the
best possible manner.